Underwriting philosophy on PWD, HIV/AIDS and Mental Illness

Underwriting philosophy on PWD, HIV/AIDS and Mental Illness

1. Person with Disabilities (PWD)- As a underwriting philosophy of the Company, we do not discriminate the person with disability for any Health Insurance Product. In fact, our risk Assessment for Health Insurance Products is based on Scientific parameters such as HbA1C, Hypertension, ECG etc. Therefore, risk assessment of a Person with Disability (PWD) is done exactly in the same way as it is done for Person with no disability. For example- Risk assessment for an athlete or a physically challenged person is done on the basis of the above scientific parameters and in the same manner without any discrimination.

2. As regards the Person affected with HIV/AIDS, we do not deny Health Insurance coverage to the Person affected with HIV/AIDS.

3. As regards the person affected with Mental Illness, we do not deny coverage to the person with Mental Illness. We at Royal Sundaram have separately defined Underwriting grid to deal with person having Pre-existing Mental Illness condition at the time of taking Health Insurance Policy.